Happy New Year! Get Going…Seriously

Okay, the day is here. You know, that day that you thought you were going to be completely ready for when you started out this school year way back when. But you’re not…what happened? You now realize that there are about 5 months left before the year ends and there is no plan for your child to cross that “bridge” and enter “adulthood!” What to do, what to do??

Don’t despair. You still have some time, but it’s short and it must be used wisely. Over the next few discussions I will be sharing info, thoughts, and ideas on a number of topics related to getting the ducks into a row, starting with what I call “The Fork In The Road.” The fork in the road is the place where it’s time to get realistic about what the future can possibly look like for your child and ultimately for yourself. It’s an emotional place, and the spot where there may be disagreement between people regarding what next steps should truly be for a student. It’s a critical juncture and one that should be made a priority. So I end with the “Yogiism” “When you come to the fork in the road, take it.”

Welcome To TP 101!

Hi There! If you have come to this site you are most likely panic stricken, terrified, puzzled, overwhelmed, apprehensive, wondering how did this come up so fast, now what???? You get the picture-your child, who was just four-years-old last week (I swear) is getting ready to make the “transition to adulthood” and leave public school behind. Well, you have come to the right place to find out all you need to know.

My name is Muncie Kardos and I first became interested in transition planning almost 20 years ago when my own child turned 14. I sat in her IEP meeting and someone mentioned the need to start transition planning. I was clueless. At the time I was working in public schools (I’m an OT) and I went home and searched “transition planning” on the web and downloaded a boatload of info, stuffed it into a file folder and threw it in my bag figuring I would read it on a cross country plane ride.

As I sifted through the pages I thought to myself OMG this is a Cinderella shoe that fits the field of OT perfectly. How can it possibly be addressed by public schools? And so my journey began. I was in an advanced masters program in OT at the time and I knew I had my thesis topic. While I continued to work as a school based OT I found myself at times a guest in someone else’s home, but not necessarily part of the family. So I once again returned to school (“really Ma?” Said the family) and obtained my Ph.D.  in special education. Needless to say the dissertation topic was from the fertile ground of transition planning.

There continues to be limited knowledge and expertise in this muddy river, particularly when it comes to educating students who stay past 18. So I have started this blog as a way to share what I know and to hopefully empower families to know not only how to advocate but what to advocate for so that your child does not end up sitting on the couch when that bus stops pulling up each morning.

Please feel free to ask questions or tell me what you need to know and I will do my best to address those issues. And please visit my website:
